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Gone By Leona Deakin ★★★★★

Writer's picture: SecretWorldOfaBookSecretWorldOfaBook

Published : 9th August 2019

Publisher : Black Swan

Format : Hardcover, Kindle, Paperback, Audio

Genre : Thriller



Four strangers are missing. Left at their last-known locations are birthday cards that read:


The police aren’t worried – it’s just a game. But the families are frantic.

As psychologist and private detective Dr Augusta Bloom delves into the lives of the missing people, she finds something that binds them all.

And that something makes them very dangerous indeed.

As more disappearances are reported and new birthday cards uncovered, Dr Bloom races to unravel the mystery and find the missing people.

But what if, this time, they are the ones she should fear?

My Review..

I adored this read!! The opening to this story was so gripping and I literally could not put it down from that point on.

The first in the Dr Bloom series and I can’t recommend it enough! Beautifully written, this story weaves you through an investigation that is packed with unexpected twists and turns.. Dr Bloom in a Psycologist who’s expertise is in psychopaths. With Her partner Marcus, they both are drawn into hunting for people that start to go missing after receiving a birthday card daring them to join a game, it turns out all those that go missing have psycopathic tendencies. Marcus has a personal interest caught up in this and asks his partner for a favour which is why Bloom gets involved. This is a completely mind twisting read that is full of suspense and intrigue... I loved Augusta blooms character and how she works so well with Marcus, ex secret service and the opposite to her in personality, where she is quiet and sceptical and questions everything, he shows his emotions and is more open minded.

Together with the help of the police they try to find out what happened to these people to just up and disappear.. but at the same time, every other chapter that you read switches and takes you to a patient that Bloom is counselling, 14-year-old Seraphine Walker. She has been accused of stabbing the Caretaker of the school.

You work out early on she is a young psychopath that bloom is treating but not why she is connected, she is clearly disturbed and has no remorse for anything that she has done.. I found myself really warming to Blooms character, she is lonely apart from her only friendship with her partner, but extremely clever and you are left always one step behind with whats happening with the investigation.

This was a well paced thriller that is extremely worth reading.

I did kind of guess the big twist at the end about half way through but certainly didn’t expect the even bigger twist of doubt it leaves you with ... I love how I am left not knowing if she is or isn’t ?

If your after an on the edge of your seat, intense page turning thriller then this is the series for you.

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About the author...

Leona draws inspiration for her writing from her own experiences having started her career as a psychologist with the West Yorkshire Police and her successful work in psychology since.

She is now an occupational psychologist and lives with her family and scruffy long dog called Sedgeley.

She began writing stories as presents for her younger sisters.

This is her debut thriller.


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I hope you liked reading my review.

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